Author Interview with Mindy Schoeneman

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we expect. As COVID-19 spreads throughout the United States and around the world, many of us have found ourselves drastically rearranging our lives. Most states in the U.S. have shut down schools for the next few weeks (at least), non-essential businesses are closing down, and many people are transitioning to working from home—or going without work at all. Most importantly, the medical community is working around the clock to meet the needs of COVID-19 patients and keeping us informed on how we can slow the spread.

At times like this, we need stories more than ever. When our world has flipped upside-down and we’re consumed with worry, we look for books that can offer an escape. We look for characters that reflect who we are in times of crisis and what we hope to become.

Author Interview with Mindy Schoeneman on the Ellen Smith Writes blog || Ellen Smith Interviews Mindy Schoeneman on the upcoming release of her debut novel, Adrienne's Awakening March 21, 2020 on the Ellen Smith Writes blog…

Adrienne’s Awakening by Mindy Schoeneman will debut next week on March 24th. Honestly, I feel this story couldn’t come at a better time. (Click to tweet) I was actually a beta reader for Mindy’s book and I immediately fell in love with Adrienne. This is a character who finds herself caught between two worlds. She’s trying to find her footing between the life she expected and a terrifying new reality. Adrienne is us.

When I first asked Mindy if I could interview her for her upcoming release, neither of us could have imagined how much the world would change by mid-March. I’ve seen Mindy rise to the myriad challenges of the past week with so much grace and strength. Listen to how she speaks on the process of writing and releasing her story in the midst of so much uncertainty:

“In 2016, I had an idea for a story that wouldn’t leave me alone. In June of that year, I started writing the story that would become Adrienne’s Awakening. Little did I know that this story would change me. It has changed me on a fundamental level that’s hard to explain without novel-length personal and painful detail. 

Originally, this story felt like something to fill my free time. But sometime in the process, it shifted for me to feel more like a calling. When I didn’t have time to work on it, I didn’t sleep well. My dreams were heavy and I’d wake up worn out and tense. I felt an insistent urging to keep writing, to keep working on this story. I rearranged my business life a bit to make more time for it so I could finish it.

So in December, 2019, I was ecstatic to be editor-ready. I had done it! I had finally fulfilled this insistent urging to write this story. At the time, neither I nor the world had heard of COVID-19. So I began planning the publishing and launch of my book.

After carefully plotting timelines for all the work (copy editing, proofreading, formatting, cover design, etc.) that needed to be completed, I landed on March 10 as my launch date. Then my husband and I received some less-than-happy news that led us to the realization that we would need to move to a larger school district as soon as possible. Luckily, we found a home to purchase as soon as we started looking. I realized as we were reviewing the offer for the house, that our moving date would coincide with my book launch. 

Deep breath. It can be done, right? It’s not ideal, but it’s possible. 

I pushed the launch back two weeks to make sure we had plenty of time to launch this story into the world with as much care as it deserved. 

Then comes COVID-19.

All of my carefully laid plans go terribly awry. My release party—canceled. My first book signing—postponed. 

After recovering from whiplash, I began to wonder if I had imagined the insistent urge I had felt to write this story. Would anyone even know it was being released into the world with all the worry, fear, and noise in the world at this moment? What was all of that for? Why did I suffer through the writing of this if no one will see it? 

I don’t know if my launch will fall flat. But I do know this: I am a better and different person for having written the story that was within me. I am better equipped to face all of this and help where I can because I listened to that still, small voice telling me to keep writing. 

I don’t know what any of this means, but I will cling to it as my confirmation that we’re all important and that each and every one of us has a purpose. I will be content with the thought that my book might spare someone from boredom while they stay home to help protect the most vulnerable members of humanity. That my lack of a book signing event might keep someone from being exposed to illness. And one of my characters might inspire someone else with a story of their own to fill their free time.

As you can see, Mindy is an incredible person and I am thrilled to interview her for the release of her debut novel, Adrienne’s Awakening!

Author Interview with Mindy Schoeneman on the Ellen Smith Writes blog || Ellen Smith Interviews Mindy Schoeneman on the upcoming release of her debut novel, Adrienne's Awakening March 21, 2020 on the Ellen Smith Writes blog…

Ellen Smith: I was captivated by the premise of your story! Telepathy is already a fascinating topic and you gave it a totally original spin. Can you tell us a little about how telepathy works in the world of Adrienne’s Awakening?

Mindy Schoeneman: In my story, telepathy is related to brain waves. The brains act as a sort of receiver and transmitter, and the mind readers are capable of closing off their thoughts. Like flipping a switch to stop transmitting. Of course, it’s not so clear or simple in the story for the characters, but that’s the premise I built from. 

Strangely enough, the way whales communicate first gave me the idea for my version of telepathy.

ES: The characters in Adrienne’s Awakening were so dynamic I felt like they could leap right off the page. In fact, there’s a few of them I wish I could meet in real life! If you could sit down for a cup of coffee with any one of your characters, who would it be?

MS: Wow! Thank you for that compliment! My characters often feel real to me, and in a way they are. I’ve borrowed personality types from those I’ve met throughout my life, and I “typed” them using an Enneagram test. So when I hear others recognize them for true-to-life people, it makes my nerdy little heart soar.

As for coffee, I feel like I’ve already had that coffee date with each of them, and it was glorious! My coffee dates went something like this:

Since 2016, “Adrienne” has been writing in a journal. We meet once a week to discuss what pops up in her entries. I’m starting to feel like her therapist, and I’ve been considering charging her. 

I’ve only managed to get Parker to meet me for coffee once, and when he did he shoed up late, of course. He then told me all about his innermost struggles (and by that I mean he avoided talking about any feelings and kept the entire conversation surface level). 

Effie told me she wouldn’t dare set foot in a “coffee shop” where all the hipsters like to hang out. Instead, she invited me to a dark, dingy dinner in a tiny, out-of-the-way town where she treated me to the best coffee I’ve ever had. She also told me the entire history of the place and the cook’s tragic life story. 

My favorite coffee date was James, though. I’d love to tell you why, but you’ll have to read book two first. ;-)

ES: In addition to writing fiction, you are the creator and owner of Sincerely Me. As a marketer, content writer, and strategist, you already have tons of experience with the written word! Did you find yourself using a different process for your fiction writing than you do for your business? Are there skills you use in your business that have helped you write and launch your book?

MS: Yes and no. Fiction is a completely different beast, and I struggled with finding my footing. Finally, I started treating my characters like a customer. For customers, I create extensive questionnaires I ask them to fill out. Their answers give me an inside look into who they are. Once I started doing this for my characters, everything else started coming together better. 

As for launching my book, my daily work in marketing strategy has helped me in ways I didn’t expect. I’m not just planning a launch, I’m plotting a career as a fiction author. This helps me to keep this book launch in perspective and roll with the hiccups.

ES: Work/ life balance looks different for everyone—what helps you balance your time between family, working, writing, and preparing for the launch of Adrienne’s Awakening?

MS: I’ve spent a lot of time trying to make my life fit the image I have in my mind of what balance and authorship should look like. Thankfully, I finally gave up. Instead, I started doing things that fit with my life and the limited spare moments I do have. So, I gave myself permission to do things that feel extravagantly wasteful, such as printing my entire book, putting it in a big red binder, and carrying it (and a fine-tipped red Sharpie) around with me for weeks as I edited.

Preparing for my launch has been especially difficult because it happened to coincide with me and my family finding the perfect new home for us in a new town. So I’ve been balancing family, work, fiction work, selling and buying a home (plus moving), and the launch. It’s been a lot to juggle, but I have wonderful friends who listen to me rant, pray for my specific needs, and take some of the burden from my shoulders where they can. I also have a husband who always asks, “How can I help?” Without these supporters, I would have been sunk long ago. 

ES: I’ve had the pleasure of beta reading Adrienne’s Awakening, so I know that once readers get their hands on your book, they’ll be eager to read more from you! In fact, this is the first book in The Mind duology. Can you give us any hints about the sequel?

MS: I appreciate the feedback you gave me as a beta reader. You helped me write a better story! 

I sent book one off to the editor with a clear vision of book two. But since then I’ve delved deeper into the psyches of my villains, and the story is evolving. I’m working on hashing all of that out by writing a novella that I hope to release later this year. So I suppose the biggest hint I can give you about the sequel is that you’ll get to know the villain much better. ;-)

ES: Thank you for chatting with me for the blog today, Mindy, and congratulations on your new book! How can we keep in touch with you on social media?

MS: I’m on Instagram, Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter. I’m always happy to talk to people on any of those platforms. 

Author Interview with Mindy Schoeneman on the Ellen Smith Writes blog || Ellen Smith Interviews Mindy Schoeneman on the upcoming release of her debut novel, Adrienne's Awakening March 21, 2020 on the Ellen Smith Writes blog…

The countdown is on! Adrienne’s Awakening will be available on March 24, 2020! Please join me in celebrating Mindy’s book launch at her Facebook launch party on March 26, 2020 at 7:00 CST!